Git utility for mac

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I am not a Mac person (I know Linux and Windows) so if anyone has had similar issues and has advice for how to help my students get git working again, I would be grateful.

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My students have tried downloading and installing the latest git executable from and the problem persists. I have manually set the path to the git executable in RStudio global options to /usr/bin/git, but RStudio continues to insist that it can't find git on the system path, so my students can only use git by typing git commands into a terminal window (either the OS/X terminal or the terminal window in RStudio). From a terminal (and also from the terminal window in RStudio), which git returns /usr/bin/git and I can successfully run git commands ( git clone, git add, git commit, etc.).

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echo $PATH shows /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin as the first two entries in the PATH. The git executable is installed on /usr/bin/git, with an additional symlink to that executable from /usr/local/bin/git. Everything went well for most of the semester but in the last couple of weeks, several students who use Macs updated their OS and now RStudio says it can't find git on the system path.

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Open Safari and browse to the Git developer site. I am teaching a class in which students use RStudio and Github. People Also Asked, How do i open git on mac Likewise, how do I open Git on Mac Open Terminal and enter git version.